The following hilarious photo series presents moments where the connection between the image on the packaging and the product itself was absolutely coincidental. Here are all the funny pictures.
#1 is the phrase what you see is what you get works here?
#2 I prefer the rabbit
#3 not smart messing with hungry people
#4 sneaky sneaky
#5 extra pepperoni pizza! not on the hole pizza sily
#6 small thing comes in big package?
#7 Honey, I Shrunk the Hotdog
#8 people please read the small print
#9 again, you have to read the small print. 4$ for the world’s smallest bottle of water
#10 risen chocolate, well i guess it’s for the best
#11 now how the hell i’m supposed to get the scissors out?
#12 I think they went for an abstract theme
#13 something went really wrong at some point